Trump is my POTUS
The strange and unique adventures of the 2020 election...
The basic idea was to rely on the basic vote and have "fraud" in reserve if ever the need arose.
The first day serves to give the necessary number of votes not to do it blindly and in ways even more blatant than this one.
Democratic states have changed their laws the last months to allow for exactly this historic fraud.
This has been planned for a very long time...
We don't like censorship, we hate conscious hypocrites & we do like Freedom of Mind.
It's a easy lightweight html facts resume page to share/copy everywhere since Facebook censored half a million people talking/sharing about what's noted here.
Democratic ballots unsealed from the date of the day before and resealed for that of the next day after the date of legal deposit.
Predicted since June 2020 on Trump's Twitter profil. That's why he chose Amy Coney Barrett. He knew it would end like this with the flawed opponents he has. This is easily understood with the recent law changes in some prominent Democratic states.
Like already said : recent law changes in some prominent Democratic states. It's planned.
Dead people since 1984 are voting and democrat, of course.
People claiming to be on Green County boast publicly and in private messaging on social media that they "did the job" with a trash can. This time, no automatic censorship from Twitter. That's why Democrats on Twitter are currently having a simple copy / paste to propagate sold by Los Angeles / New York marketers. Otherwise alone, they would say more bullshit about it. They must not do anything other than nod and laugh but especially not boast of the victory because it would lead to bad behavior which cannot be controlled... There is always one to be more proud and stupid than the previous one and they want to avoid it as much as possible because the envellopes do not move on their own ... There are proud little hands everywhere.
People not wanting to be filmed in situations like throwing envellopes in trash cans with the help of a dozen new unmarked black sports bags bursting at the seams. in which nothing is visible after. It's easy to let see that they're empty though, isn't it ? Waste so wonderful that we are not even allowed to look at it.
Missing ballots, yes, simple as MISSING BALLOTS
Quickly censored (by Facebook&Twitter) photos of piles of envelopes thrown in wasteland.
The biggest free discussion around these topics censored by Facebook with half of a million active & determined people on it.
The conscious pragmatism of Biden who knows exactly what's going on. Just like the others... That's why Biden doesn't talk about being the winner. It gets so big as a lie that they don't even dare to take a step forward that would make sense in any other equivalent situation.
Biden has more votes than Obama in number with a lower percentage of blacks and latinos. The magic of mathematics, of course.
Biden is corrupt and has been placed there to serve as a trojan horse for someone who would never have had the credibility of winning in front of Trump. She will then be sold with the marketing of being the first woman of color. It is a planned forced sale, the purchase is not optional.
10 times more votes than at any time.
7 times longer than usual to know who won.
Mr Trump has drawn almost 70 million of votes, the highest tally in history. This why democrats need a 73 million historic fraud, they are that afraid of him. Trump is actually destroying the entire corrupt old world it really doesn't like it.
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Help us and share this page, spread the word : 2020 election is a lie, the Winner is President Trump.
We want to keep this (very recent) page live and keep improving it.
It has for the moment been carried out as quickly as possible and as easily as possible after Facebook removes the biggest discussions around these subjects.
It exists to centralize most of the information in the most direct and simple way for the time being.
We plan to buy a better domain name when we can and improve hosting support quickly, in particular while drastically improving the page in the near future.
We are temporarily on GitHub on purpose because it is less easy to censor for automatic algorithms.